Socio-Economic Development


Ellies Engage

Ellies is a company with heart, which is why we formed Ellies Engage, our Corporate Social Investment Programme. It’s all about giving as good as we get by channelling our success back into the communities that have helped make our business what it is today. We primarily focus on using learnerships, charity, enterprise development and staff engagement to build a brighter South Africa for tomorrow.

Some of our most successful initiatives in 2021 include:

  • Stock and furniture were donated to The Dlala Nje Foundation in Berea, Johannesburg, which aims to provide a safe learning environment, where kids get to be kids.
  • Ellies has donated stock to Lompec Independent Primary and Secondary School in Mamelodi East, Pretoria, which will assist with the improvement of their learning facilities as well as their students’ comprehensive learning experience.
  • Khanyi Intelligence Enlightenment received a stock donation to enhance their facilities and offerings.
  • Ellies is also a proud monthly contributor to Things on Wheels’ feeding scheme. The contributions received assisted in creating sustainable access to the economy/sustainable livelihood by food parcels, soup kitchen groceries, and toiletries.

Some of our other most successful programmes include:

  • We participated in the “Rise Against Hunger” initiative where 45 000 food parcels were packed for various schools and orphanages, which fed approximately 173 children for an entire year.
  • A blanket drive where 23 500 blankets were distributed to the needy across the country.
  • The Things On Wheels Mobile Feeding Vehicle food parcel handout, soup kitchen and soccer day.
  • The Ellies Installer School was established to support Ellies’ commitment to B-BBEE and serve as a training academy for the previously disadvantaged.
Blanket Drive
Things on Wheels
Dlala Nje Foundation
Lompec Independent School
The Ellies Installer School